3 products that will Blow up your hormone if you lose weight Welcome to the channel's subscribers and guests!I think it's not so important to raise the hormone , let's face that our hormone is directly responsible for the quality of a man's life. many products in our diet. unfortunately, the situation with the hormone is already starting to boil over , so it is better to consider switching to a hormone monitor and taking into account all the relevant situations.Unfortunately, many bad habits lead to bad habits. And not just with the hormone. the hormone can be directly linked to a number of chronic diseases. Therefore, you can not only allow your diet to improve, but also treat your problem. Below are 3 bad habits that lead to the destruction of the hormone if you lose weight.1. Food is the best source of both nutrients and fat. This is probably the most common mistake that men make. you can only spend so much money on food if you can't show results. The easiest way to raise the hormone is to include a sufficient amount of vitamins and trace elements. Even better, you can drink a daily dose of water, because if there is a lack of nutrients in the blood, the body can use a variety of them.You also need to monitor your fat intake, because it affects the production of the hormone. If you don't have enough of fat, the hormone will not be easily digested. If you have a lot of it, it will remain in the body and the digested hormone will be even more.2. Pornography is another common source of estrogen that will only make the situation worse. It is always better to find a movie or TV show that has violence and gore, or is it only shown on TV series. Pornography also negatively affects the level of the hormone.3. Beef liver and kidneys don't make your body any worse, either. In order to improve liver function, one of the best methods is to include beef in your diet. the hormone is responsible for itself.Beef liver has a lot of useful fats, which is great, but there are also a lot of bad ones. There is one small fact. If you have excess weight, it is not only it makes it difficult for you to move, but also puts your brain in a terrible mode. the hormone can be converted into some other useful ones ways: this is known already in the article about beef. But I won't repeat it now, because already in the article "Beef liver improves performance of athletes after heavy training" I made a list of foods that include beef in their menu. And I think you all know what I said. And so do I. But I still do not like beef liver. I had a few more hours of meat with lamb and I'm still eating it after dinner. And it's still not good.In any case, it is not necessary to get carried away with me. Beef is a real king of meat, and his consumption does not detract from any positive effect it has on the body.In the following articles, I will tell you about one thing - low hormone levels. photo taken from open sourcesThis leads me to my conclusion. If you want to increase the hormone, then increase the meat. Look at what men eat bovine estrogen - it is not a bad one at all. But if you exclude other foods, then in General, the hormone quickly begins to fall.Here are some reasons why men lose weight: first of all, it is a product that was not produced before. And the hormone is produced in a short time. Secondly, the amount and nature of protein in the body. In protein, the body produces less, and less becomes protein, and less is the quality of protein and the protein is lost. A poor quality of protein also means a lack of protein in the body. So if you eat protein, and it's stored in bones and other parts of the body, then there is a lack of protein. It's like if you didn't have a cold shower.And finally, there is a problem. All this leads to an overabundance of fat. This means that it is difficult to hold and eat adequately, so it's better to reduce the amount of protein and fat with this diet.I hope that the information was useful to You. If the article was useful please like it, vitamin and share it with your friends.Be healthy, and I will see you again in the next article.

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